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How do castings undergo anti-corrosion and rust prevention treatment?


To address the drawbacks of traditional casting rust prevention, the following new oil-free rust prevention processes can be referred to:
1、 EVAPO-RUST neutral rust remover -600E water-based cleaning solution -509A water-soluble rust inhibitor - vapor phase rust prevention packaging (rust proof bags, rust proof paper, rust proof desiccant)
Attention: Before packaging, it is necessary to ensure that the surface of the casting is clean and dry. If it is dried, it must be cooled.
2、 802 anti rust cutting fluid -600E neutral cleaning fluid -600B precision parts cleaning fluid -510D3 water-based anti rust agent - vapor phase anti rust packaging (anti rust bags, anti rust paper, anti rust desiccant)
Attention: Before rust prevention and packaging, it is necessary to ensure the dryness of the casting surface.
3、 600E metal cleaning solution - vapor phase anti rust packaging (anti rust bags, anti rust paper, anti rust desiccant)
Attention: Suitable for short distance transportation and short-term rust prevention.
The above three methods to replace traditional rust and corrosion prevention processes for castings are for reference only and can be adjusted according to specific usage cost requirements and production conditions.


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