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Introduction to Casting Parts


According to definition, a casting is where liquid metal is injected into a mold cavity suitable for the shape and size of the part, and cooled to solidify into a blank or part.
Pour liquid metal into a casting cavity suitable for the shape of the part. The method of obtaining blank parts after cooling and solidification is called casting. Castings obtained through casting methods are called castings.
Casting structure design: ensure its working performance and mechanical performance requirements. Considering the current casting process and alloy casting performance requirements of casting companies, the rationality of casting structure design has a significant impact on casting quality, productivity, and cost.
Main issues and design requirements.
In the design of the box structure, we first need to consider the layout of the components inside the box and the relationship with the components outside the box. For example, a lathe should determine the shape and size of the box according to two top-level requirements of the enterprise. In addition, the following issues should also be fully considered:
1、 Meet the requirements for strength and stiffness. The strength of heavy-duty box components is an important issue, but for most boxes, the main indicator for evaluating their performance is stiffness, because the stiffness of the box not only affects the normal operation of the transmission components, but also affects the working accuracy of the parts. Including rapid optimization and automatic selection of castings.
2、 Heat dissipation and deformation. The friction and heating inside the box make the viscosity of the lubricating oil change, thus affecting its lubrication performance. The temperature rise will cause the thermal deformation of the box, especially the thermal deformation and thermal stress with uneven temperature distribution, which will greatly affect the accuracy and strength of the box.
3、 The structural design is reasonable. For example, the arrangement of support points, the arrangement of steel bars, the location of openings, and the design of connecting structures should all be conducive to improving the strength and stiffness of the box.
4、 Good craftsmanship. This includes the manufacturing of billets, mechanical design and processing, heat treatment, assembly and structural adjustment, installation and fixation, lifting, transportation, maintenance, and other technological aspects.



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