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Causes of Casting Deformation


Reason for deformation of machine tool castings: to prevent sudden changes in wall thickness. Machine tool castings with small and uniform wall thicknesses condense simultaneously, while machine tool castings with large and uneven wall thicknesses condense sequentially from thin to thick, and cold iron is placed reasonably. Slag hole is an irregularly shaped hole inside or outside. The casting of castings should not be shortened during casting. Under the influence of the heat source on the workbench, the parts of the machine tool and the bed casting will undergo varying degrees of deformation, thereby interrupting the relative motion between the workpiece and the tool, which is also the next quarter reduction of the machine tool.
For dry CNC machine tools, due to all processing being controlled by accounting instructions, the impact of thermal deformation is relatively severe. Before painting the machine tool, it is necessary to conduct a casting sound check on the bed, check the uneven appearance of the surface, and use something to trim it. The dirt on the outside should be clean. Pouring is continuous. The surface of machine tool castings with sand adhesion should be completely or partially covered with a mixture of metal (or metal oxide) and sand (or coating) or a layer of sintered sand. Causing relatively rough appearance of machine tool castings in China. Reduce the voids in sand particles. Properly reduce the pouring temperature of the metal. The fire resistance of progressive sand and core sand. After processing the bed casting, clean or rinse with metal cleaning agent or industrial gasoline to ensure the appearance of oil and other dirt. Continuous flow during pouring.
Strictly control the sand function and molding operation, and pay attention to cleaning the mold cavity before closing the mold. Increase the temperature of molten iron. Reduce slag viscosity. The slag blocking ability of advanced pouring systems. Add rounded corners to machine tool castings. Hot cracks have penetrating or non penetrating pear lines on machine or bed castings (note if they pass through a zigzag shape), and the metal and epidermal cells at the opening are oxidized. The wall thickness of machine tool castings should be as uniform as possible, with the flexibility of improving the sand and core.



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