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Introduction from the foundry to the function of modified wheel hub gaskets and flange plates


Regarding policies and regulations. Based on my personal experience and the practical experience of many car enthusiasts, the addition of wheel hub gaskets and flange plates is not a major issue for the vehicle management office as long as the appearance of the wheel hub does not exceed the width of the vehicle body.
The issue to be explored is still the issue of modification requirements. Why do we need to add hub gaskets or flanges? Regarding this issue, please be aware of where your needs are when choosing to add hub gaskets or flange plates? After all, it is also a consumption that increases certain costs for no reason.


Based on past experience, the reason for adding wheel hub gaskets or flange plates is believed to be the following. Please take your seat accordingly.
1. Beautiful, whether it is the original wheel hub or after replacing the modified wheel hub, due to various strange reasons, the wheel hub tires do not match the car's own leaf plate. The meaning of matching here is that the wheel hub is more or less based on the car's own leaf plate. The wheel hub has too much inward or outward amplitude for the leaf plate, resulting in the overall coordination of the car. So how is coordination? There is no definitive answer to this question. In our personal understanding, the wheel hub tires are exactly flush with the car's own leaf plate, or slightly within 10mm of the outer side of the leaf plate. Therefore, I believe that overall, the coordination between the car and the wheel hub tires is aesthetically pleasing.
2. Performance, referred to here, focuses on vehicle stability and improving vehicle cornering roll. Indeed, with the addition of coaxial wheelbase, there is indeed a good stability improvement for the car in terms of high-speed and cornering. Moreover, for drivers, the position of the car's wheels and tires feels better.
3. Forced, this word has been written out, and everyone may not quite understand it. In fact, it is very simple. Due to the replacement of a wider wheel hub and the lack of calculation of the et value, the inner tire will rub against the inner lining plate after the wheel hub is installed on the car. Therefore, it is necessary to add shims to expand the wheel hub a little more outward to avoid rubbing against the inner lining plate. Another reason is that due to replacing the large brake, there is not enough space between the wheel hub and the large caliper. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the wheel hub a little more outward to avoid the brake. This is why many wheel hub sellers emphasize avoiding the large caliper.
4. Other, there are also some peculiar and peculiar reasons, which won't be further discussed here.
In short, existence is reasonable. Since demand naturally has a market, there must be a reason for its existence. Basically, based on the points mentioned above, consider the need for adding wheel hub gaskets or flange plates to your car.
The above is the relevant content introduced by the casting manufacturer, hoping to be helpful to everyone.


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